flock of pigeons
oil on canvas, 910mm x 660mm
private collection
digital work

A selection from a digital source made to show light reflected from twigs. I would'nt have noticed this pattern -a geometry of reflected light relative to the sun - had I not used a digital selection tool. A printout and others like it helped me to distribute colours from careful colour studies made on the spot.
Increased awareness of colour textures is the result of several interacting experiences and ideas: digital colour selection, observing and mixing colours on the spot, remixing and applying paint to canvas and an idea of geometrical structure. A great advantage of this approach is that it tends to put concepts like 'tree' and 'sky' to one side: they never dissapears of course, but object and environment seem to emerge with an unlabelled, independent life.
method helps you see
After working in this way, when I went back to the tree I found it easier to see this kind of pattern for myself, without the help of a computer. Method is a wonderful thing - it can open your eyes.
limitations of photogaphy
At the same time I now find my source photos just that - colour selection sources. In comparison to paintings they are frigid machine images: