stream of living water
oil on canvas, 1320mm x 510mm
Just below a weir, the Rheidol narrows and accelerates over peat coloured and grey rocks. The water changes colour constantly, heaving and flickering like nothing else on Earth. I remembered a school hymn : "...where streams of living water flow, my ransomed soul he leadeth", and a line from Christopher Marlow's Faustus : "...see, see, Christ's Blood streams in the firmament." I saw a link between the human and the inhuman world, and a painting in the constantly emerging colours of the water.
upper half : colours painted in comparison with the bright water.
lower half : colours from looking first at the less bright, reflected lights away from the main current.
Each colour range has different characteristics to be combined in the painting.
drawing on canvas : triple primed fine linen to give a smooth surface for glazes.
first underpainting: a line of yellow cotton helps to understand flow movements.
base : a reflecting surface for thin glazes to re-create the deepest colours from the studies.